Mens Zskin Top

ZSkin® tops are built with the lightest, stretchiest and thinnest neoprene available. Cut wind chill, and maintain insulation without overheating. Experience the unique temperature regulation only possible through this ultra-thin construction. ZSkin® adds a second skin with superior water shedding ability to cut more wind chill. For high upper body workloads and warmer conditions, choose the ZSkin® Hybrid top, which provides targeted warmth on the chest and back panels and combines this with mesh and spandex panels in the arms and side.

  • 0.3mm ultra thin neoprene
    Built with world's thinnest quality neoprene
  • Water shedding
    And water repellent hydrophobic skin acts like a second skin that keeps you warm & cuts wind chill
  • Lightweight
    Our thin neoprene's water shedding ability means the top remains lightweight when wet
  • 4-way super stretch
    For great flexibility

SKU: top-700-m-BK
View size chart

Tel.: +36 20 211 6087
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